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Author Ababacar Sedikh Gueye |
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Ababacar Sedikh Gueye, Author ; Martine Audibert, Thesis advisor ; Theophile Azomahou, Thesis advisor | Clermont-Ferrand : Université Clermont Auvergne | 2018EN: Compared to other regions, sub-Saharan Africa lags far behind in terms of poverty reduction and human development. This is partly explained by the low access to education combined with the weak dynamism of the labor market, characterized by [...]Article :
Ababacar Sedikh Gueye, Author ; Martine Audibert, Author ; Valérie Delaunay, Author |Alongside classical determinants of education, there is a growing literature of social interactions in educationwhich seems to be particularly concentrated in developed countries. This seems paradoxical asnorms, culture and social capital appear[...]