Author Jean-Jacques Laffont
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Exposé de la théorie microéconomique tenant compte des développements les plus récents destiné aux étudiants en sciences économiques du niveau maîtrise.
Cet ouvrage constitue le premier volume d'un cours de théorie microéconomique destiné aux étudiants de niveau maîtrise d'économie. Il est consacré aux fondements de l'économie publique.
Jean-Jacques Laffont, Author | Oxford : Oxford University Press | Clarendon lectures in economics | 2000Mainstream economics has recognized only recently the necessity of incorporating political constraints into economic analysis intended for policy advisors. "Incentives and political economy" uses recent advances in contract theory to build a nor[...]
In Regulation and Development Jean-Jacques Laffont provides the first theoretical analysis of regulation of public services for developing countries. He shows how the debate between price-cap regulation and cost of service regulation is affected[...]
James Patrick Quirk, Author ; Rubin Saposnik, Author ; Jean-Jacques Laffont, Translator ; Guy Laroque, Translator | Paris : Presses universitaires de France | 19744e de couv :"Cet ouvrage est une introduction aux développements récents de la théorie économique. Au cours des vingt dernières années, beaucoup de travaux qui ont porté sur la théorie de l’équilibre général ont fait appel à des mathématiques re[...]
Jean-Jacques Laffont, Author ; David Martimort, Author | Princeton : Princeton University Press | 2002Economics has much to do with incentives--not least, incentives to work hard, to produce quality products, to study, to invest, and to save. Although Adam Smith amply confirmed this more than two hundred years ago in his analysis of sharecroppin[...]
Based on their pathbreaking work in the application of principal-agent theory to questions of regulation, Laffont and Tirole develop a synthetic approach, with a particular, though not exclusive, focus on the regulation of natural monopolies s[...]