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Mostly in tables but also in some graphs, this title presents statistics about how many people live where and how in countries, urban and rural areas, and cities throughout the world. Among the dimensions measured are population by sex, rate of [...]
Organisation des Nations Unies, Issuing body | New York : United Nations | Document (United Nations) | 1996
This report provides the complete set of texts relating to international migration, extracted from the outcome documents of the United Nations conferences and summits. Consequently, this compilation permits to assess in which areas there is alr[...]
Institut national d'études démographiques, Editor ; Georges Photios Tapinos, Editor ; Organisation des Nations Unies, Editor ; Didier Blanchet, Editor ; David E. Horlacher, Editor | Paris : Institut national d'études démographiques | Congrés et colloque | 1991
Organisation des Nations Unies, Author | New York : Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement (CNUCED) | 2019L'avènement de la zone de libre échange continentale africaine (AfCFTA) représente une opportunité historique pour le continent de stimuler le commerce intra-africain et d'accélérer la transformation structurelle. Cependant, cela repose sur un i[...]
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Author ; Institut international Jacques Maritain, Editor ; Organisation des Nations Unies, Editor | Santiago de Chile : ECLAC | 2000Back cover: This collection of essays is the outcome of an international conference convened jointly by ECLAC and the International Jacques Maritain Institute of Rome and held in Santiago, Chile, in 1999. The essays provide a broad discussion o[...]
Organisation des Nations Unies, Author | New York : United Nations | United Nations publication | 1990Looks back at the last 30 years and forward to 2000 and describes the most likely course the world economy will take in the 1990s
José Antonio Ocampo, Editor ; Organisation des Nations Unies, Editor ; Juan Martin, Editor | Palo Alto : Stanford Economics and Finance | Latin American development forum series | 2003Back cover: "The international response to opportunities and risks arising from globalization has been incomplete and uneven. But a proactive approach by a network of institutions could correct asymmetries and build a rights-based international [...]