Author Tidiane Kinda
Available item(s) by this author (14)
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Jean-Louis Combes, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author ; Tidiane Kinda, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2010This paper analyzes the impact of capital inflows and the exchange rate regime on the real effective exchange rate. A wide range of developing countries (42 countries) is considered with estimation based on panel cointegration techniques. The re[...]Article :
Cet article montre que les ménages utilisent le retrait des enfants du système éducatif comme stratégie ex-post de gestion des chocs de revenu qu'ils subissent. L'analyse souligne également qu'un grand nombre d'enfants dans un ménage affecte nég[...]
Tidiane Kinda, Author ; Jean-Louis Combes, Thesis advisor ; Patrick Plane, Thesis advisor | Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I | 2009-09-30EN: This dissertation analyzes how developing countries could attract more private capital flows and benefit from these flows with higher productivity levels while avoiding some negative effects such as the appreciation of the real exchange rate[...]Article :
Tidiane Kinda, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author ; Marie-Ange Veganzones-Varoudakis, Author |Drawing on World Bank enterprise surveys, this paper shows that investment climate (IC) is correlated with firms' technical efficiency (TE) in eight manufacturing industries of 22 developing countries. Essential aspects of IC include the quality[...]
Jean-Louis Combes, Author ; Tidiane Kinda, Author ; Rasmané Ouedraogo, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2017This paper assesses the impact of capital inflows and their composition on the real exchange rate and economic growth in developing countries. Capital inflows can directly support economic growth by relaxing constraints on domestic resources, bu[...]Article :
Jean-Louis Combes, Author ; Tidiane Kinda, Author ; Rasmané Ouedraogo, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author |This paper assesses the impact of financial flows and their composition on the real exchange rate and on economic growth for a sample of low- and middle-income countries over the period of 1980–2012. Financial flows can directly support economic[...]
Tidiane Kinda, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author ; Marie-Ange Veganzones-Varoudakis | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2008This paper investigates the relationship between firm-level productivity and investment climate (IC) for a large number of countries (23) and manufacturing industries (8). We first propose three measures of firms' productive performances: Labor [...]Article :
Patrick Plane, Author ; Marie-Ange Veganzones-Varoudakis, Author ; Tidiane Kinda, Author |Firm productive performances in five Middle East and North African (MENA) economies and eight manufacturing industries are compared to those in 17 other developing countries. Although the broad picture hides some heterogeneity, enterprises in ME[...]
Patrick Plane, Author ; Marie-Ange Veganzones-Varoudakis, Author ; Tidiane Kinda, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2011Firm productive performances in five Middle East and North African (MENA) economies and eight manufacturing industries are compared to those in 17 other developing countries. Although the broad picture hides some heterogeneity, enterprises in ME[...]Article :
Tidiane Kinda, Author |Cet article souligne l'importance des infrastructures physiques et du développement financier dans l'attractivité en capitaux privés (Investissements Directs Etrangers -IDE- des investissements de portefeuille) des pays en développement. Contrai[...]Article :
Tidiane Kinda, Author |This paper uses firm-level data across 77 developing countries to show that constraints related to investment climate hamper Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The main results show that physical infrastructure problems, financing constraints, and[...]Article :
Tidiane Kinda, Author ; Josef L. Loening, Author |This paper analyzes characteristics of nonfarm enterprises, their employment growth patterns, and constraints in doing business in rural Tanzania. Using unique survey data, we describe a low-return sector struggling to compete in a challenging b[...]Article :
Mohamed Chaffai, Author ; Tidiane Kinda, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author |Production frontiers with technical inefficiency determinants are estimated using stochastic models for textile manufacturing in eight developing countries encompassing about 800 firms. Inefficiency determinants are considered either on an indiv[...]
Mohamed Chaffai, Author ; Tidiane Kinda, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2009Production frontiers and inefficiency determinants are estimated by using stochastic models. Textile manufacturing is considered for a sample of eight developing countries encompassing about one thousand firms. We find that the most influential [...]