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Author Alassane Drabo |
Available item(s) by this author (16)
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Alassane Drabo | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2011In the economic literature it is generally found that trade openness affects environment through various channels. While the mechanisms through which trade is associated with pollution are largely investigated theoretically and empirically, the [...]
Alassane Drabo | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2011This paper examines the link between health inequalities, air pollution and political institutions. In health economics literature, many studies have assessed the association between environmental degradation and health outcomes. This paper exte[...]Article :
This paper examines the link between environmental indicators and economic convergence for a large sample of rich and poor countries. While in economic literature income and environment are seen to have an inverted-U shaped relationship (Environ[...]Article : printed text
Pour comprendre le sens et les enjeux de la notion à la mode de piège de revenu intermédiaire (en anglais Middle Income Trap), il faut revenir aux origines de la notion de piège (trap) appliquée à l’échelle macro-économique. La no[...]
Martine Audibert ; Pascale Combes-Motel ; Alassane Drabo | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2012Relationships between health and economic prosperity or economic growth are difficult to assess. The direction of the causality is often questioned and the subject of a vigorous debate. For some authors, diseases or poor health had contributed t[...]
Martine Audibert ; Pascale Combes-Motel ; Alassane Drabo | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2010Relationships between health and economic prosperity or economic growth are difficult to assess. The direction of the causality is often questioned and the subject of a vigorous debate. For some authors, diseases or poor health had contributed t[...]printed text
The Least Developed Country (LDC) category was from the start meant to include low income countries facing structural handicaps to economic growth (in the 2011 CDP report economic growth has been replaced with “sustainable develop[...]
Martine Audibert ; Pascale Combes-Motel ; Alassane Drabo | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2013Relationships between health and economic prosperity or economic growth are difficult to assess. The direction of the causality is often questioned and the subject of a vigorous debate. For some authors, diseases or poor health had contributed t[...]
This dissertation investigates theoretically and empirically the interrelationships among population’s health,environmental degradation and economic development, its consequences for developing countries, and someeffective policy responses. The [...]
This dissertation investigates theoretically and empirically the interrelationships among population's health, environmental degradation and economic development, its consequences for developing countries, and some effective policy responses. Th[...]Article :
This paper examines the link between health indicators, environmental variables, and income inequalities. Theoretically, all the mechanisms described in the literature underline a negative impact of income inequality on health status. However, e[...]
Alassane Drabo, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2010This paper examines the link between health indicators, environmental variables and income inequalities. Theoretically, all the mechanisms developed in the literature underline a negative impact of income inequality on health status. However, em[...]Article :
This paper investigates the relationships between health indicators, institutional variables and income inequality. In the economic literature, the impact of income distribution on health status is largely studied. Theoretically, all the mechani[...]
Alassane Drabo | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2010This paper examines the link between health indicators, environmental variables and economic development, and the consequences of this relationship on economic convergence for a large sample of rich and poor countries. While in economic literatu[...]Article :
Alassane Drabo, Author |In the health economics literature, many studies have assessed the association between environmental degradation and health outcomes. This paper extends this literature by investigating how the presence of air pollution might explain health ineq[...]