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Auteur Maëlan Le Goff |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (8)
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Working Paper
Joel Cariolle, Auteur ; Maëlan Le Goff, Auteur ; Olivier Santoni, Auteur | Clermont-Ferrand : Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (Ferdi) | Document de travail / Working Paper | 2018-03-13This paper provides evidence on the impact of fast Internet on firm performance in developing and transition economies. Over the last three decades, international connectivity has been boosted by the laying of more than 300 submari[...]Article : Revues - Articles
Maëlan Le Goff, Auteur ; Markus Haacker, Auteur ; Kyung-Woo Lee, Auteur ; Raju Jan Singh, Auteur |This paper investigates the determinants and the macroeconomic role of remittances in sub-Saharan Africa. It assembles the most comprehensive data set available so far on remittances in the region; it comprises data for 36 countries for 1990 thr[...]texte imprimé
This paper contributes to the literature by looking at the possible importance of the structure of the financial system—whether financial intermediation is performed through banks or markets—for macroeconomic volatility, against t[...]Article : Revues - Articles
Christian Hubert Ebeke, Auteur ; Maëlan Le Goff, Auteur |Dans cet article, nous supposons que l'effet des envois de fonds des migrants sur les inégalités de revenu dépend de « qui » migre, plus précisément, de la place que le ménage dont est issu le migrant occupe dans la distribution du revenu au sei[...]Article : Revues - Articles
Joel Cariolle, Auteur ; Maëlan Le Goff, Auteur |Does local internet diffusion spur manufacturing performance in developing countries? To answer this question, we conduct instrumental variable estimations, using repeated cross-section data on 44,073 manufacturing firms from 109 d[...]texte imprimé
Does local internet diffusion spur manufacturing firm performance in developing countries? To answer this question, we conduct instrumental variable estimations, using repeated cross-section data on 40,154 manufacturing firms from[...]texte imprimé
We estimate the impact of Internet diffusion on local firm performance in developing and transition economies, by adopting an instrumental variable approach reflecting firm’s vulnerability to seismic shocks upon the telecommunicat[...]Working Paper
Christian Hubert Ebeke ; Maëlan Le Goff | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2009According to the literature, the effect of remittances on income inequality in origin countries of migrants is not clear, whatever empirical approach is used. Aiming at clearing up this ambiguity, some authors took into account the historical, so[...]