Catégorie management accounting
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Martine Audibert, Author ; Jacky Mathonnat, Author ; Yohana Dukhan, Author ; Ningshan Chen, Author ; Anning Ma, Author ; Aïtian Yin, Author |La décentralisation en Chine a placé les hôpitaux municipaux (HM) au cœur du système sanitaire en zone rurale. Nous avons collecté des informations dans un échantillon de 21 HM de la province de Shandong et dans les administrations concernées po[...]
This updated and substantially revised 2nd edition, like its predecessor, integrates a discussion of the latest theoretical developments with a comprehensive review of empirical work. With a more cohesive writing style, reduced size, additional [...]Article :
Partant de l'idée que le développement économique pourrait être favorisé grâce à une réduction du taux d'alphabétisme, les organisations nationales et internationales de développement ont organisé, dès la fin de la deuxième guerre mondiale, de v[...]
4e de couv : "Demographic change and increasingly international markets are putting severe pressure on developed welfare states in the OECD countries. The contributors to this book assess the magnitude of these challenges and discuss in depth, a[...]
Magistère de développement, Issuing body ; Direction Générale du Développement, Commission des Communautés Européennes, Issuing body ; Agrisystems Overseas Limited, Issuing body | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | 1994Article :
Martine Audibert, Author ; Jacky Mathonnat, Author ; Delphine Pareil, Author ; Raymond Kabamba, Author |In a move to achieve a better equity in the funding of access to health care, particularly for the poor, a better efficiency of hospital functioning and a better financial balance, the analysis of hospital costs in Mali brings several key elemen[...]
Xavier Greffe, Author ; Hubert Brochier, Author of introduction, etc. | Paris : Économica | Approfondissement de la Connaissance Economique | 1972
Back cover: "This text offers the perfect introduction to social benefit-cost analysis. The book closely integrates the theory and practice of benefit-cost analysis using a spreadsheet framework. The spreadsheet model is constructed in a truly o[...]
William A. Niskanen, Editor ; Arnold Carl Harberger, Editor ; Robert H. Haveman, Editor ; Ralph Turvey, Editor ; Richard Zeckhauser, Editor | Chicago : Aldine publishing company | an Aldine annual on forecasting, decision-making and evaluation | 1973
Richard Zeckhauser, Editor ; Arnold Carl Harberger, Editor ; Robert H. Haveman, Editor ; Laurence E. Lynn, Editor ; William A. Niskanen, Editor ; Alan H. Williams, Editor | Chicago : Aldine publishing company | an Aldine annual on forecasting, decision-making and evaluation | 1975
Editor's description : Catastrophic risks are much greater than is commonly appreciated. Collision with an asteroid, runaway global warming, voraciously replicating nanomachines, a pandemic of gene-spliced smallpox launched by bioterrorists, and[...]