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politique d'austérité |
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Note de l'éditeur : "An accessible, compelling introduction to today’s major policy issues from the New York Times columnist, best-selling author, and Nobel prize–winning economist Paul Krugman, now with a new preface. There is no better gui[...]Article : Revues - Articles
How has the Chinese central government been able to avoid the crippling hyperinflation that has bedeviled so many developing and centrally planned economies? China's unique, de facto federalism, Huang argues - a combination of economic and fisca[...]Ouvrages
Depuis quinze ans, la droite américaine propage des idées-zombies – des mensonges que la science économique et les faits contredisent, mais que les républicains continuent d’entretenir pour biaiser le débat public et privilégier une poignée d’in[...]Ouvrages
Back cover: "If governments followed the optimal fiscal policy path, surpluses in good times would counter necessary deficits during economic downturns, leading to worldwide balance. The world, however, has chosen to go in a different direction [...]Ouvrages
Michael Jacobs, Éditeur scientifique ; Mariana Mazzucato, Éditeur scientifique | Malden : Wiley-Blackwell | Plotical Quarterly | 20164e de couv : "Western capitalism is in crisis. For decades investment has been falling, living standards have stagnated or declined, and inequality has risen dramatically. Economic policy has neither reformed the financial system nor restored st[...]Ouvrages
4th cover on publisher's website : A sweeping intellectual history of the welfare state’s policy-in-waiting. The idea of a government paying its citizens to keep them out of poverty—now known as basic income—is hardly new. Often dated as f[...]