Catégorie O - Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth
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Camille Da Piedade, Author ; Patrick Plane, Thesis advisor | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | 2024FR : Avec une population dépassant les 1,4 milliard d'habitants, faisant ainsi de l'Afrique le deuxième continent le plus peuplé au monde après l'Asie, la contribution de ce continent au commerce mondial demeure modeste. La littérature économi[...]
Jean-Marc Bédhat Atsebi, Author ; Jean-Louis Combes, Thesis advisor ; Alexandru Minea, Thesis advisor | Clermont-Ferrand : Université Clermont Auvergne | 2020
Jean-Marc Bédhat Atsebi, Author ; Jean-Louis Combes, Thesis advisor ; Alexandru Minea, Thesis advisor | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | 2020EN:This dissertation studies two phenomena that have been widespread in many countries of the world through history and have huge implications for development, namely the financial crises and growth surges. The first part, comprisin[...]
Assi Okara, Author ; Patrick Plane, Thesis advisor | Clermont-Ferrand : Université Clermont Auvergne | 2021FR : La qualité des institutions est perçue comme l’un des déterminants majeurs, si ce n’est le plus important, de la croissance économique de long terme. Pour de nombreux spécialistes, les écarts de développement entre pays riches et pays en dé[...]
Martha Tesfaye Woldemichael, Author ; Patrick Plane, Thesis advisor ; Mary-Françoise Renard, Thesis advisor | Clermont-Ferrand : Université Clermont Auvergne | 2018EN: Historical evidence shows that countries can successfully develop by opening up to trade and pursuing manufacturing export-led strategies. Trade promotes efficient allocation of resources according to comparative advantage, with imports acti[...]
Clémence Vergne, Author ; Jean-Louis Combes, Thesis advisor ; Grégoire Rota-Graziosi, Thesis advisor | Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I | 2011-10-26This dissertation investigates political market failures in developingcountries. We deal with the idea that elections, the core institution ofdemocracy, can’t fully perform their functions in developing countries. Thisthesis revolv[...]
Meyimdjui, Carine, Author ; Theophile Azomahou, Thesis advisor ; Jean-Louis Combes, Thesis advisor | Clermont-Ferrand : Université Clermont Auvergne | 2019-01-24EN: The recent surges in food commodity prices have drawn attention on one of most severe sources of vulnerability for developing countries. In addition to financial constraints that these countries already face, (among these, the [...]
Yong He, Author ; Hong Zhou, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2010This paper aims at estimating productivity improvement of Chinese 17 relatively backward provinces in manufactures through importing manufactured intermediates from advanced provinces on the basis of just published 2002 national and provincial i[...]Article :
Marie-Ange Veganzones-Varoudakis, Author ; Arup Mitra, Author ; Chandan Sharma, Author |Drawing on a recent data set of the Indian manufacturing industry for the period 1994-2008, this article shows for eight sectors that core infrastructure matters in determining Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and Technical Efficiency (TE). Resul[...]Article :
Our study shows that China's export value-added tax (VAT) rebate system is a major industrial policy that affects its exports. We use export data at the HS6-product level for a panel of 329 Chinese cities over the 2003-12 period to assess how ch[...]
Thierry Urbain Yogo | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2015This paper examines the effect of ethnic diversity on the efficiency of public spending in a set of developing countries. For this purpose, we use Data Envelopment Analysis to assess the efficiency of public spending in the sectors of health, ed[...]Article :
Simone Bertoli, Author ; Herbert Brücker, Author ; Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga, Author |The size of migration flows to Germany from other European countries surged in the aftermath of the 2010 European crisis, and this paper explores the main determinants of this large increase. International migrants tend to move more than once in[...]
Simone Bertoli ; Herbert Brücker ; Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2013The European crisis has diverted migration flows away from countries affected by the recession towards Germany. The diversion process creates a challenge for traditional discrete-choice models that assume that only bilateral factors account for [...]
Ibrahima Amadou Diallo, Author ; Patrick Guillaumont, Thesis advisor | Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I | 2013-11-22EN: This dissertation investigates how the real effective exchange rate (REER) and its associated measurements (REER volatility and REER misalignment) affect total factor productivity growth (TFPG). It also analyzes the channels through which th[...]
Patrick Plane, Author ; Ridha Nouira, Author ; Khalid Sekkat, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2010Recent literature suggests that a proactive strategy consisting of deliberate real exchange rate depreciation can promote exports diversification and growth. This paper is built on these recent developments and investigates whether four developi[...]