Catégorie R3 - Real Estate Markets, Spatial Production Analysis, and Firm Location
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In the context of the rapid development of the cultivation of genetically modified soybeans in Argentina, we conduct a hedonic analysis of agricultural land values. The main objective is to evaluate the impact of land tenure systems and agricult[...]
Johanna Choumert-Nkolo ; Pascale Phelinas | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2014In the context of the rapid development of the cultivation of genetically modified soybeans in Argentina, we conduct a hedonic analysis of agricultural land values. The main objective is to evaluate the impact of land tenure systems and agricult[...]Article :
For 30 industry sectors, this paper provides empirical evidence on the relation between the local economic structure (local sectoral specialization, diversity, and competition) and the 1988–1994 value-added growth of Chinese provinces. The econo[...]