Catégorie conference proceedings
Eurovoc > EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS > documentation > document > conference proceedings
Synonymscolloquium ;conference ;congress ;round table symposiumSee also: |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (198)
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Gerald Karl Helleiner, Editor | Oxford : Clarendon Press | WIDER studies in development economics | 1992This book investigates the ways in which the characteristics of a developing country's domestic industrial sector – for example, oligopolistic markets, the position of foreign enterprises, and the acquisition of modern technologies – affect its [...]
Robert J. Flanagan, Author ; Karl Ove Moene, Author ; Michael Wallerstein, Author | Oxford : Clarendon Press | FIEF studies in labour markets and economic policy | 1993This fourth volume from the Swedish Trade Union Institute for Economic Research, FIEF, looks at the determinants of union behaviour on the one hand, and the issue of the implications of the level of centralization of wage bargaining on unemploym[...]
La recherche de solutions durables pour un développement urbain maîtrisé amène à s'interroger sur le rôle des différents modes de transport assurant la mobilité des personnes. Mais les situations varient selon les diverses régions du Sud et de l[...]