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ChinaSynonymsPeople’s Republic of ChinaSee also: |
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Economica / published quarterly by the London school of economics and political science, Vol.85 N°337 - January 2018
Zhicheng Liang, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2007In this paper, by employing the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) techniques and Chinese provincial level data from 1991 to 2003, we empirically investigate the relationship between finance and growth in post-reform China. We find that financia[...]Article :
À l’aide d’un échantillon de panel de plus de 3 000 ménages ruraux chinois interrogés pendant 21 ans, cette étude estime l’évolution des rôles relatifs du statut familial et de l’avantage comparatif en matière de capital humain dans la détermina[...]
Albert Nyberg, Author ; Scott Rozelle, Author ; Banque mondiale, Editor | Washington : World Bank | 1999Abstract : "This report aims to identify and consolidate information on crucial issues that impact on rural development in China. China ' s rural economic achievements of the past two decades - rapid growth and declining poverty - have been rema[...]Article :
Article :
Martine Audibert, Author ; Jacky Mathonnat, Author ; Yohana Dukhan, Author ; Ningshan Chen, Author ; Anning Ma, Author ; Aïtian Yin, Author |La décentralisation en Chine a placé les hôpitaux municipaux (HM) au cœur du système sanitaire en zone rurale. Nous avons collecté des informations dans un échantillon de 21 HM de la province de Shandong et dans les administrations concernées po[...]Article :
Gives an account of the agricultural sector in China during the period 1931-1990. Professor Kueh has collected and analyzed statistical data and combines this with a wider discussion of Chinese economic policy and macroeconomic instability
Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, Author ; Workshop on Agricultural Policies in China, Issuing body | Paris : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) | China in the global economy | 1997"Papers presented at the Workshop on Agricultural Policies in China held at the OECD on 12-13 December 1996"--P. [2].
This study analyses the different reform measures introduced in China in the last twenty years, and provides a full analysis of the existing agricultural system. It examines the policy options available for China, and argues that it should push [...]
Zhicheng Liang, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2005In this paper, by employing Chinese provincial data, we develop a simultaneous equation model to estimate the relationship between agricultural trade and rural poverty in post-reform China. We find that trade liberalization can affect China's po[...]
Thirukodikaval N. Srinivasan, Author ; Justin Lin Yifu, Associate ; Yun Wing Sung, Associate | San Francisco : ICS Press | 1994