Catégorie China
Eurovoc > GEOGRAPHY > Asia and Oceania > Far East > China
SynonymsPeople’s Republic of ChinaSee also: |
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Maurice Brosseau, Publisher ; Hsin-chi Kuan, Publisher ; Yak Yeow Kueh, Publisher | Hong Kong (Chine) : Chinese University Press | China review, ISSN 1015-6607 | 1997Article :
In the last decade, China’s trade with Africa increased faster than its overall foreign trade. This article focusses on the role of real exchange rates in this growth. A ‘bilateral real exchange rate’ augmented trade gravity model applied to Chi[...]Article :
"While China’s economic rise is being watched closely around the world, the country’s changing political landscape is intriguing, as well. Forces unleashed by market reforms are profoundly recasting state-society relations. Will the Middle Kingd[...]
The structure of the book is clear and straightforward. . . business people, economists and other social scientists may find this book a useful source of data related to China's changing economic situation.' -- Jamie Paquin, China Information 'C[...]
"This book argues that a major potential source of social tension in transition and developing countries is not poverty as such, but vulnerability: that is, the risk of becoming poor. It demonstrates how in China many of the recent reforms to th[...]Article :
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Shangquan Gao, Author ; Cairncross, Alexander K., Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc. ; Edward Heath, Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc. | Houndmills : Macmillan Press | Studies on the Chinese economy | 1996Article :
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