Catégorie structural adjustment
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Synonymsstructural reform |
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Quelles politiques foncières pour l'Afrique rurale ? : réconcilier pratiques, légitimité et légalité
Croissance démographique, plans d'ajustements structurels, multiplication des conflits : en Afrique noire rurale, la question foncière est au-devant de la scène. L'échec du modèle de gestion étatique est avéré, mais les politiques de privatisati[...]
"The debt crisis of 1982 caused serious economic disruptions in most developing countries. Reform, Recovery, and Growth explains why some of these countries have recovered from the debt crisis, while more than a decade later others continue to s[...]
Vinod Thomas, Editor ; Ajay Chhibber, Editor ; Mansoor Dailami, Editor ; Jaime De Melo, Editor | New York : Oxford University Press | 1991This book assesses the experience of countries with adjustment programs and the effectiveness of adjustment lending from the World Bank in supporting these programs. It takes an inventory of the decade of experience with adjustment lending in fi[...]
Looks at the four decades of the structural changes that fostered growth after World War II and explores explanations of why such changes occurred. Drawing on many and diverse primary materials, including government statistics, judicial decision[...]
Argues that safety nets can provide an environment in which economic reform is more politically sustainable and poverty can be permanently reduced. However, these two objectives frequently involve trade-offs, as vocal and organised opponents of [...]Article :
Centre de développement de l'OCDE, Author ; David O'Connor, Publishing director ; Leila Farsakh, Publishing director | Paris : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) | Séminaires du Centre de développement | 19964e de couv. : Le phénomène migratoire est un source de préoccupation constante pour les responsables politiques dans les pays d'immigration. Le problème n'est pas près de disparaître ; bien au contraire ; il faut s'attendre à une augmentation et[...]
Giles Mohan, Author ; Brown, Ed, Author ; Milward, Bob, Author ; Zack-Williams, Alfred B., Author | London : Routledge | 2000
The structuralist perspective; Adjustment mechanisms - the real side; Adjustment mechanisms - two sector models; Short-run adjustment in practice; Money and other assets in the short run; Money, inflation, and growth; Trade balance complicat[...]
This excellent text brings together information that students and professionals working in the wide variety of disciplines concerned with international health will find in no other single source. It synthesizes historical, cultural, environmenta[...]
4e de couv : "This book integrates the theory of trade policy interventions with empirical methodologies for measuring the effects of those interventions and identifies the relative strengths and weaknesses of partial general equilibrium approac[...]
Gangadharrao S. Maddala, Author ; In-Moo Kim, Author | Cambridge University Press | Themes in modern econometrics | 1998Time series analysis has undergone many changes in recent years with the advent of unit roots and cointegration. Maddala and Kim present a comprehensive review of these important developments and examine structural change. The volume provides an[...]