Catégorie money
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The Prize recounts the panoramic history of oil -- and the struggle for wealth and power that has always surrounded oil. This struggle has shaken the world economy, dictated the outcome of wars, and transformed the destiny of men and nations. [...]
Ce livre présente un débat d’une importance primordiale pour notre société et notre mode de vie : les causes psychiques inconscientes de notre rapport à l’argent.
This lively and accessible book discusses the real world fiscal issues in developing countries within a realistic macroeconomic and social framework.It represents the best synthesis currently available of the link between public finance and macr[...]
Irving Fisher, Author ; Harry G. Brown, Associate | New York : Augustus M. Kelly | Reprints of economic classics | 1963A classic book by one of America’s greatest mathematical economists. Fisher states in the introduction that “The purpose of this book is to set forth the principles determining the purchasing power of money and to apply those principles to the [...]
American Economic Association, Editor | London : G. Allen and Unwin | The American economic association series | 19554e de couv : "The field of fiscal policy overlaps those of public finance, money and banking, and business cycles. Its main concern is with the effects of government expenditure and taxation on income, production and employment. The latest volum[...]
Article :
This article aims at analyzing the problem of real exchange rate appreciation and competitiveness in the EU's ultra-peripheral regions by the case study of La Reunion Island. After describing economic characteristics of this French overseas depa[...]
Adam Smith, Author ; Germain Garnier, Translator ; Adolphe Blanqui, Commentator for written text ; Joseph Garnier, Author of introduction, etc. | Paris : Guillaumin et Cie | 1880
This book argues that only by reforming the international monetary system can we prevent financial crises in the future and the internationalization of the Renminbi, China's national currency, will be an important step in the process. Just as[...]
Eswar Prasad ; Eswar Prasad, Author ; Vera Songwe, Author | Washington : Brookings Institution | 2021Note de l'éditeur : "Leaders of the fifteen-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have set a goal of achieving a monetary and currency union by late 2020. Although some progress has been made toward achieving this ambitious g[...]
Ariane Tichit | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2015This article analyzes the social representations of money from survey data. More specifically, it tests how holders of a complementary currency project have a distinct perception of money compared to other citizens. The main results confirm the [...]