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Isabelle Bensidoun, Publishing director ; Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, Publishing director | Paris : Centre d'etudes prospectives et d'informations internationales (CEPII) | 2018Résumé éditeur : Créé en 1978 par Raymond Barre, le CEPII a 40 ans cette année. Pour le célébrer, ses économistes ont tracé les contours de 40 ans d’économie mondiale : de l’irruption de la Chine à la grande modération de l’inflation, en passant[...]
This volume provides a comprehensive assessment of China's economic reforms since the beginning of the 1980s. It explains how the new economic system works, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. It also considers the likely implications of [...]Article :
Using the panel data on 49 African countries over the period from 2003 to 2011, this paper estimated the determinants of China’soutward direct investments in Africa by employing the Hausman-Taylor method which controls the endogeneity of some va[...]
Pacific Trade and Development Conference, Author ; Peter Drysdale, Editor | Toronto : University of Toronto press | 1972This volume appears at a time when there is tremendous interest in direct investment of one country in the industry of another. It brings together papers by leading economists from North America, Australia and Asia, and provides an excellent int[...]
Les colonies ont-elles été une bonne affaire pour la France ? Une large majorité de Français – 70% de ceux qui ont une opinion – en est convaincue. L’auteur le pensait aussi quand il entreprit de dresser le bilan de la colonisation. Il aura fal[...]
Assi Okara, Author ; Patrick Plane, Thesis advisor | Clermont-Ferrand : Université Clermont Auvergne | 2021FR : La qualité des institutions est perçue comme l’un des déterminants majeurs, si ce n’est le plus important, de la croissance économique de long terme. Pour de nombreux spécialistes, les écarts de développement entre pays riches et pays en dé[...]
Assi Okara, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Mémoires de recherche | 2016Alors que les recherches sur l’Investissement Direct Etranger (IDE) expliquent sa contribution au développement économique des pays hôtes principalement à travers l’accroissement du capital, le transfert des technologies et des pratiques d’organ[...]
This book is concerned with the use of fiscal and monetary policies to overcome three major obstacles to development commonly faced by less developed countries: inadequate investment; misallocation of investment resources; and internal and e[...]
China is the world's second largest host for foreign direct investment, outside the US. This book offers insights into the impact of foreign direct investment on China's growth and regional development.
David J. Donaldson, Author ; Frank Sader, Author ; Dileep M. Wagle, Author ; Foreign Investment Advisory Service, Issuing body | Washington : World Bank | 1997Note de l'éditeur : "This paper looks at some of the factors influencing the perception that the African continent is a relatively unattractive investment location as well as some of the real impediments faced by private entrepreneurs seeking en[...]
Edward Montgomery Graham, Author ; Paul R. Krugman, Author | Washington : Institut for international economics | 1991The share of US output held by foreign-controlled firms tripled during the 1980s, but the growth of foreign direct investment in the United States fell sharply after 1990. In the first and second editions of Foreign Direct Investment, Graham and[...]Article :
This paper examines the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth in Africa and presents estimations based on panel data of 50 African countries during the period from 1980 to 2009, and the system generalized method of moment [...]