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L’influence des milieux d’affaire sur la politique : problème majeur en démocratie, abandonné longtemps aux problématique des extrêmes ou aux discours lénifiant du patronat. Jean-Noël Jeanneney, libre de tout parti pris, dépasse à la fois ces pa[...]
World Bank, Issuing body | Washington : World Bank | A World Bank country study, ISSN 0253-2123 | 1990
Note de l'éditeur : "An accessible, compelling introduction to today’s major policy issues from the New York Times columnist, best-selling author, and Nobel prize–winning economist Paul Krugman, now with a new preface. There is no better gui[...]Article :
Raymonde Moulin, Author ; Pascaline Costa, Associate | Paris : Flammarion | Art, histoire, société, ISSN 0982-5126 | 1992Dans la première partie du livre, Raymonde Moulin analyse les mécanismes économiques et sociaux de construction de la valeur de l’art, à partir de l’examen de trois cas : art « classé, « tableaux à la douzaine », et art contemporain « internatio[...]
Pradumna Bickram Rana, Author | Singapore : ASEAN Economic Research Unit, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | 1981This book examines the experience of the ASEAN countries in the post-Bretton Woods era - the period of generalized currency float. It outlines the major developments in the exchange rate policies of the ASEAN countries in the 1970s and analyses [...]
Jean-Louis Combes ; Alexandru Minea ; Sawadogo, Pegdéwendé Nestor | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2019Using propensity score matching, this paper assesses the effects of tackling illicit financial flows (IFFs) on domestic tax revenue mobilization in developing countries. It uses data on countries’ compliance with Financial Action Task Force (FAT[...]
Morris Goldstein, Author ; Graciela Laura Kaminsky, Author ; Carmen M. Reinhart, Author | Washington : Institute for International Economics | 2000The European currency crises of 1992-93, the Mexican crisis of 1994-95, and especially the Asian/global crisis of 1997-98, have all contributed to a heightened interest in the early warning signals of financial crises. This pathbreaking study pr[...]
Jérémy Pépy ; Benjamin Williams | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2018The failures of the banking sector to promote sustainable lending and to build strong capital and liquidity buffers prior to the 2008 Financial Crisis addressed the rationale for implementing the banking regulatory regime Basel III. In this paper[...]
Babacar Sarr, Author ; Jean-François Brun, Thesis advisor ; Gérard Chambas, Thesis advisor | Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I | 2015-01-19EN: The public sector plays a major role in society. In most developing countries, public expenditure represents a significant part of gross domestic product (GDP) and public sector entities are substantial employers and major capital market par[...]
Hélène Ehrhart | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2009To what extent differences across developing countries in their domestic tax mobilization can be explained, in addition to the traditional determinants, by political economy factors and particularly by the political regime? Using a panel of 66 d[...]
Ahmet Faruk Aysan, Author ; Gaobo Pang, Author ; Marie-Ange Veganzones-Varoudakis, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2006During the 1980s and the 1990s, private investment in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has on average shown a decreasing or stagnant trend. This contrasts with the situation of the Asian economies, where private investment has always been[...]