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Serial check-in :
Review of economic studies, Vol.85 N°3 - July 2018
2018Serial check-in :
2018Serial check-in :
World development, Vol.104 - April 2018
2018Serial check-in :
Economica / published quarterly by the London school of economics and political science, Vol.85 N°337 - January 2018
2018Serial check-in :
Autrepart : cahiers des sciences humaines / [ORSTOM], N°82 - 2017/2
2017Serial check-in :
Books : l'actualité à la lumière des livres, HS - A contre-courant : 30 entretiens pour penser autrement
Note de l'éditeur : "This short primer distils Ruchir Sharma's decades of global analytic experience into ten rules for identifying nations that are poised to take off or crash. A wake-up call to economists who failed to foresee every recent [...]
Mostly in tables but also in some graphs, this title presents statistics about how many people live where and how in countries, urban and rural areas, and cities throughout the world. Among the dimensions measured are population by sex, rate of [...]
"More young people than ever are entering their childbearing and working years. At the same time, the number and proportion of people over age 65 are increasing at an unprecedented rate. Our future will be shaped by how well families and societi[...]
Article :
À l’aide d’un échantillon de panel de plus de 3 000 ménages ruraux chinois interrogés pendant 21 ans, cette étude estime l’évolution des rôles relatifs du statut familial et de l’avantage comparatif en matière de capital humain dans la détermina[...]