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Robert J. Flanagan, Author ; Karl Ove Moene, Author ; Michael Wallerstein, Author | Oxford : Clarendon Press | FIEF studies in labour markets and economic policy | 1993This fourth volume from the Swedish Trade Union Institute for Economic Research, FIEF, looks at the determinants of union behaviour on the one hand, and the issue of the implications of the level of centralization of wage bargaining on unemploym[...]
Back cover: "This study of Modern China was completed during the twentieth anniversary year of the People's Republic. It embodies the results of long research checked by the personal experience gained in the course of extensive travel between 19[...]
The transition to capitalism in former socialist economies is one of the main economic events of the last decade. Besides affecting approximatively 1.65 billion people, it is contributing to a shift in emphasis in economics from standard price a[...]
Habib El Malki, Author | Paris : CNRS éditions | Chroniques de l'Annuaire de l'Afrique du nord | 1989
This collection of readings in economic anthropology covers the whole range of non-industrial economics - production, allocation, trade and money – from the relatively static, traditional economies of subsistence and peasant communities to the [...]Article :
Patrick Guillaumont, Author ; Laurent Wagner, Author |Selon l’acception courante, retenue ici, la vulnérabilité d’un pays est le risque pour lui d’être affecté par des chocs exogènes. La vulnérabilité des pays est reconnue depuis le début de l’économie du développement c[...]
In The Tyranny of Experts, renowned economist William Easterly examines our failing efforts to fight global poverty, and argues that the "expert approved" top-down approach to development has not only made little lasting progress, but has proven[...]Article :
Après la crise liée au Covid, la reprise d'activité des 500 leaders continentaux est quasi générale. Porté par la croissance et la hausse du cours des matières premières, le total de leur chiffre d'affaires a bondi de près de 12% en 2021.
Deep beneath our feet, vast and sprawling, lies one of the most sophisticated empires the world has ever known. At first glance, it might not look like much - it is made up of fibre optic cables and obscure payment systems. But according to prom[...]
Lionel Demery, Author ; Marco A. Ferroni, Author ; Christiaan Grootaert, Author | Washington : World Bank | 1993Note de l'éditeur : "This study is a collection of papers which discuss the social effects of policy reform. Each author covers a specific structural area of adjustment, and provides a model for planning and analyses. Policy reform entails major[...]
Lucas Chancel, Author ; Malcolm B. DeBevoise, Translator | Cambridge : Belknap press of Harvard university press | 2020Note de l'éditeur : "Can we fight poverty and inequality while protecting the environment? The challenges are obvious. To rise out of poverty is to consume more resources, almost by definition. And many measures to combat pollution lead to job l[...]