Catégorie smallholding
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In recent years, index-based insurance has been offered to smallholder farmers in the developingworld to protect against common shocks such as weather shocks. Despite their attractive properties, these products have met with low demand. We consi[...]Article :
This paper aims at assessing the determinants of Amazon deforestation, emphasizing the role played by off-farm income. Initially an economic model is provided which relates off-farm income to deforestation patterns. Subsequently, empirical impli[...]
Claudio Araujo ; Jean-Louis Combes ; José Gustavo Feres | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2014This paper aims at assessing the determinants of Amazon deforestation, with an emphasis on the role played by off-farm income. We first present a microeconomic model which relates off-farm income to deforestation patterns. We then test the empir[...]
Philippe Lebailly, Publishing director ; Jean-Philippe Peemans, Publishing director ; Dinh Ton Vu, Publishing director | Paris : L'Harmattan | 2015L'agriculture représente le moteur essentiel du développement économique et social pour les pays d'Asie de l'Est et du Sud-Est. Elle y occupe la majorité de la main d'œuvre et doit à la fois assurer la subsistance de la population rurale, faire [...]
Antoine Cazals ; Alexandre Sauquet | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2013Is there a strategically beneficial time for political leaders to make international environmental commitments? Based on the political cycles theory we argue that leaders have incentives to delay costly ratification of international environmenta[...]
Note de l'éditeur : "Producing food industrially like we do today causes tremendous global economic losses in terms of malnutrition, diseases, and environmental degradation. But because the food industry does not bear those costs and the price t[...]
Backcover : "Poverty is the grim reality for some 400 million people - mostly small farmers and agricultural laborers - in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. To remedy the problem, South Asian governments and international agencies have focused on[...]Article :
In semi-arid lands, the resilience of farmers facing climate change is uncertain. The main objective of this paper is to explore whether mutual assistance within a group of cotton farmers implies reduced adoption of risk-mitigating strategies. I[...]
Piers Macleod Blaikie, Secretary ; John Cameron, Secretary ; John David Seddon, Secretary | Paris : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) | Etude du Centre de développement, ISSN 1563-4310 | 1979"Cette étude fait partie d'un projet : "Besoins essentiels, aspects généraux et contextes nationaux" qui a débuté en 1976, peu après que la Conférence Mondiale sur l'Emploi ait lancé son appel visant à inclure dans les objectifs prioritaires du [...]
L'objectif principal de cette étude est d'analyser l'impact des services de microfinance sur la productivité des micro-agriculteurs. La démarche consiste à évaluer l'effet produit par le microcrédit sur la productivité des petits agriculteurs à [...]
Pauline Castaing, Author ; Catherine Araujo Bonjean, Thesis advisor ; Antoine Leblois, Thesis advisor | Clermont-Ferrand : Université Clermont Auvergne | 2021-12-02This dissertation provides three empirical essays related to environmental and agricultural issues in development economics, documenting households’ resilience to climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa. Chapter 1 investigates whether[...]
Christopher John Bliss, Author ; Nicholas Herbert Stern, Author | Oxford : Oxford University Press | 1982“This study is an ambitious and systematic attempt to put to the test theories of underdevelopment and of the motives and behaviour of poor farmers in an Indian village. As well as reporting on the village, its population and institutions, the a[...]
Back cover: This study contains a detailed profile of the rural poor in the northeast and southeast regions of Brazil. This report’s six thematic studies identify the key microeconomic determinants of rural poverty in these regions by reviewing [...]Article :
Depuis le début des années 80, en Afrique, de nombreuses institutions, mises en place dans les années 50 et 60 pour stabiliser les revenus des producteurs agricoles, ont été démantelées en raison de leur inefficacité. On peut cependant se demand[...]
To lift and keep millions out of poverty requires that smallholder agriculture be productive and profitable in the developing world. Do we know how to make this happen? Researchers and practitioners still debate how best to do so. The prevailing[...]