Eurovoc > ÉCHANGES ÉCONOMIQUES ET COMMERCIAUX > commerce international > relation commerciale > accord commercial > GATT > libre circulation des marchandises
libre circulation des marchandisesSynonyme(s)free movement of commodities ;free movement of products free tradeVoir aussi |
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Cust, James, Directeur de publication ; Albert G. Zeufack, Directeur de publication | Washington : World Bank | Africa Development Forum | 2023ENG: This book examines the role for natural resource wealth in driving Africa’s economic transformation and the implications of the low-carbon transition for resource-rich economies. Resource wealth remains central to most Sub-Saharan African e[...]Ouvrages
This study analyses the different reform measures introduced in China in the last twenty years, and provides a full analysis of the existing agricultural system. It examines the policy options available for China, and argues that it should push [...]Ouvrages
1986-1996 : une décennie qui s'ouvre avec la Perestroïka et se referme avec le G7 de Lyon consacré à la mondialisation. En 10 ans, les marchés mondiaux ont connu une évolution radicale dans l'espace, dans le temps et dans leur logique de fonctio[...]Ouvrages
Aaditya Mattoo, Éditeur scientifique ; Pierre Sauvé, Éditeur scientifique | Washington : World Bank | 2003International barriers to services trade are deeply intertwined with national regulatory, investment, and immigration policies. Accordingly, the liberalization of trade in services is considerably more complex that the liberalization of trade in[...]Ouvrages
David Greenaway, Éditeur scientifique ; Thomas Hyclak, Éditeur scientifique ; Robert J. Thornton, Éditeur scientifique | New York : New York University press | 1989This volume brings together contributions from a number of internationally renowned authors covering a variety of key aspects of the topic. Theoretical and empirical issues are explored, European and North American integration is examined and at[...]Ouvrages
Jeffrey J. Schott, Éditeur scientifique ; Institute for international economics, Éditeur scientifique | Washington : Institute for International Economics | 1989Ouvrages
With selected readings ranging from the mercantilists of the 16th and 17th centuries to contemporary 20th century authors, Free Trade versus Protectionism addresses one of the oldest controversies in economic science - the fundamental opposition[...]Ouvrages
Pierre Sauvé, Éditeur scientifique ; Robert Mitchell Stern, Éditeur scientifique | Cambridge, Mass. : Center for business and governement, Harvard University | 2000With the negotiation of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the policies affecting access to, and conditions of competition in, service markets are today firmly rooted in the multilateral trading system. Written with policymakers [...]Ouvrages
First published in 1952, this work is a systematic exposition of Professor Meade’s geometric method, bringing together into a single coherent account the modern geometrical analysis of the theory of international trade. The work makes a number [...]Ouvrages
Marie-Laure Djelic, Éditeur scientifique ; Sigrid Quack, Éditeur scientifique | Cheltenham : Edward Elgar | New horizons in institutional and evolutionary economics | 2003This volume investigates the relationship between economic globalization and institutions, or global governance, challenging the common assumption that globalization and institutionalization are essentially processes which exclude each other. In[...]Ouvrages
Laurens Ankersmit, Auteur | Cambridge University Press | Cambridge studies in European law and policy | 20174e de couv : "This book explores how EU law constrains the freedom of the EU, the Member States, and private bodies to adopt measures that seek to protect social and environmental interests abroad by placing conditions on production processes in[...]Ouvrages
Jean Meyer, Auteur ; Jean Tarrade, Auteur ; Annie Rey-Goldzeiguer, Auteur ; Jacques Thobie, Auteur | Paris : Armand Colin | 1991Une histoire de la France coloniale ? Pour quoi faire ? Pour compléter les histoires de la France rurales, de la France citadine, de la France religieuse ? Pour renouveler l’histoire des colonies françaises écrite selon la mode des années 1930 ?[...]Ouvrages
Jagdish Natwarlal Bhagwati, Éditeur scientifique ; Conference on Import Competition and Adjustment Theory and Policy | Chicago : University of Chicago Press | National bureau of economic research conference report | 1982These papers, by a number of leading international-trade theorists, present the first significant theoretical work to be done on a topic of considerable interest, import competition. Nine theoretical papers, on topics ranging from protectionist [...]Ouvrages
Ce livre propose un bilan rigoureux et accessible des travaux du GATT depuis son origine et une évolution de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) qui lui a succédé en 1995. Il explique l'évolution historique qui a conduit la communauté des [...]