Eurovoc > FINANCE > free movement of capital > free movement of capital > capital movement
capital movementSynonymsflow of capitalSee also: |
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Aïssata Coulibaly ; Thierry Urbain Yogo | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2016This paper investigates the effect of access to financial services on the prevalence of working poor. Using a panel of 63 developing countries over the period 2004-2013, we find that improving financial access (as measured by the n[...]
L’influence des milieux d’affaire sur la politique : problème majeur en démocratie, abandonné longtemps aux problématique des extrêmes ou aux discours lénifiant du patronat. Jean-Noël Jeanneney, libre de tout parti pris, dépasse à la fois ces pa[...]
Raymonde Moulin, Author ; Pascaline Costa, Associate | Paris : Flammarion | Art, histoire, société, ISSN 0982-5126 | 1992Dans la première partie du livre, Raymonde Moulin analyse les mécanismes économiques et sociaux de construction de la valeur de l’art, à partir de l’examen de trois cas : art « classé, « tableaux à la douzaine », et art contemporain « internatio[...]
The essays collected in this volume, written by well-known academics and policy analysts, discuss the impact of increased capital mobility on macroeconomic performance. The authors highlight the most adequate ways to manage the transition from a[...]
4e de couv : "The book provides a thematic analysis of capital flight from Africa, covering economic and institutional aspects, as well as domestic and global dimensions. It is organized in four parts. The first part discusses the importance of [...]
Donald R. Lessard, Author ; John Williamson, Author ; Institute for international economics, Issuing body | Washington : Institute for International Economics | 1987Back cover: This book contains the proceedings of a conference held in October 1986 to assess the problem of capital flight and its role in perpetuating the Third World debt crisis, and to discuss policy measures that might help to stem and reve[...]Article :
Jean-Louis Combes, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author |This paper first analyzes the impact of capital inflows on the real effective exchange rate for a sample of 42 emerging and developing countries over the period 1980–2006. The results from the pooled mean group estimator show that both public an[...]
Jean-Louis Combes, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author ; Tidiane Kinda, Author | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2010This paper analyzes the impact of capital inflows and the exchange rate regime on the real effective exchange rate. A wide range of developing countries (42 countries) is considered with estimation based on panel cointegration techniques. The re[...]
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