Catégorie capital movement
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (78)
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"On the Trail of Capital Flight from Africa investigates the dynamics of capital flight from Angola, Côte d'Ivoire, and South Africa, countries that have witnessed large-scale illicit financial outflows in recent decades. Quantitative, qualitati[...]Article :
FR : Cet article examine l’impact des transferts des migrants sur les dépenses publiques dans les économies du monde en développement. Nous testons l’argument selon lequel, il s’opère une substitution partielle entre l’assurance publique et l’as[...]
Back cover: "Over the past four decades, billions of dollars have been transferred from developed to developing countries. Why has this foreign capital stimulated growth and reduces poverty in some countries and led to staggering debt in others?[...]
This book presents a radically different argument for what has caused, and likely will continue to cause, the collapse of emerging market economies. Pettis combines the insights of economic history, economic theory, and finance theory into a com[...]