Catégorie World Bank
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Note de l'éditeur : "During the United Nations Decade for Women (1975 - 1985), governments and institutions, including the World Bank, adopted policies to enhance the role of women in development. Although the process was achieved, particularly [...]
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Abstract: "This booklet outlines the ways in which the World Bank and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can work together in a partnership. It is meant to be a resource guide for NGOs and was conceived as a way for the Bank to explain what it[...]
World Bank, Issuing body | Washington : World Bank | A World Bank policy paper, ISSN 1014-8124 | 1993This policy paper is based on the World Bank Industry and Energy Department's ongoing policy and research work, which: (a) examines experiences of industrial countries and the Bank's borrowers in developing their power sector; (b) analyzes issue[...]