Eurovoc > GÉOGRAPHIE > Asie - Océanie > Asie du Sud-Est > Philippines
PhilippinesSynonyme(s)Republic of the PhilippinesVoir aussi |
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Working Paper
Jean-Louis Arcand ; Adama Bah ; Julien Labonne | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2010In this paper, we present a rent-seeking model of conflict, which highlights the role of ideology in determining whether the government or the rebels take the initiative. We use the model to interpret the impact of a large-scale Community-Driven[...]Article : Revues - Articles
Article : Revues - Articles
Article : Revues - Articles
Article : Revues - Articles
Structural Experimentation to Distinguish between Models of Risk Sharing with Frictions in Rural Paraguay Ethan Ligon and Laura Schechter When Patients Diagnose: The Effect of Patient Beliefs and Information on Provider Behavior Ann[...]Article : Revues - Articles
Raymond D Gastil, Auteur ; Leonard R. Sussman, Auteur | New York : Greenwood Press | Freedom House book, ISSN 0732-6610 | 1987This yearbook marks the fourteenth year of the Comparative Survey of Freedom and is the ninth edition in the Freedom House series of annual publications. In addition to the ratings and tables produced by the Survey, the discussion of criteria an[...]Ouvrages
Romeo M. Bautista, Auteur | Aldershot, Hampshire, U.K. : Gower, for the Trade Policy Research Centre, London | Thames essay | 1988The Philippines is the laggard in the world's most economically dynamic region. But in the 1980s economic performance moved from modest to miserable, a key event being the foreign-exchange crisis of 1983 which followed the assassination of Benig[...]Ouvrages
Deepak Lal, Auteur ; Bureau international du travail, Éditeur scientifique | Geneva : International Labour Office | WEP study | 1978Is it possible to find labor-intensive methods of road construction that are technically efficient? Is the adoption of such methods socially desirable? If so, how can private contractors be encouraged to use the socially optimal method? What fac[...]Ouvrages
Backcover: "The surge of nationalism in Asia and Africa which is leading nation after nation to shake off Western colonialism appeared first in the Philippines, with the Revolution of 1896, through final independence was not won until 1946. The [...]Ouvrages
John H. Power, Auteur ; Gerardo P. Sicat, Auteur | Oxford University Press | Industry and trade in some developing countries | 1971Back cover: Both the Philippines and Taiwan suffered severe disruption to their economies in the Second World War. Since then, both have experienced rapid rates of growth of national product and manufacturing output, but growth rates in Taiwan h[...]Ouvrages
A. Lawrence Chickering, Éditeur scientifique ; Mohamed Salahdine, Éditeur scientifique | San Francisco : ICS Press | 1991Back cover: "From construction workers in Morocco to teachers in Sri Lanka and motorcycle transport drivers in Thailand, millions of entrepreneurs in developing countries survive by conducting business in the "informal sector,' the underground e[...]Ouvrages
Centre de développement de l'OCDE, Auteur ; David O'Connor, Directeur de publication ; Leila Farsakh, Directeur de publication | Paris : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) | Séminaires du Centre de développement | 19964e de couv. : Le phénomène migratoire est un source de préoccupation constante pour les responsables politiques dans les pays d'immigration. Le problème n'est pas près de disparaître ; bien au contraire ; il faut s'attendre à une augmentation et[...]