Eurovoc > INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS > United Nations > UN specialised agency > World Bank > International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentSynonymsIBRD |
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Banque mondiale, Issuing body | Washington : Banque mondiale | World Bank policy research report | 1994Pour inverser le déclin économique qui a débuté dans les années 70, de nombreux pays d’Afrique subsaharienne ont entrepris des programmes d’ajustement structurel. Ces programmes sont conçus pour préparer la voie du développement et de la prospér[...]
Patrick A. Messerlin, Editor ; François Vellas, Editor ; Henri Bourguinat, Author of introduction, etc. | 1989
Back cover: "The author argues that donors, if they really wish to contribute to human rights through their aid, outght to include human rights in development aid rather than using them only to punish some populations for the sins of their rulers."
Washington. 1818, H. Street. Mardi, 10 heures du matin. 12 e étage. Le conseil d'administration de la Banque Mondiale tient sa réunion hebdomadaire. Son rituel est immuable. Le massif président de l'institution, Barber Conable, un Américain jovi[...]
Kjell J. Havnevik, Editor ; Nordic Africa Institute, Creator, instigator | Uppsala : Scandinavian Institute of African Studies | Seminar proceedings, ISSN 0281-0018 | 1987
"The primary purpose of this report is to inform about Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency's (MIGA's) contribution to development. Section I describes MIGA's development mandate as required by the Agency's Convention and Operational Regulat[...]
Cet ouvrage permet de comprendre l’ampleur des conséquences de la mondialisation sur les individus et les sociétés, au Nord comme au Sud.
This book covers the early years of the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), commonly known as the World Bank when it first confronted the issue of development as a fundamental part of its mission. The book is mainly [...]
Vinod Thomas, Editor ; Ajay Chhibber, Editor ; Mansoor Dailami, Editor ; Jaime De Melo, Editor | New York : Oxford University Press | 1991This book assesses the experience of countries with adjustment programs and the effectiveness of adjustment lending from the World Bank in supporting these programs. It takes an inventory of the decade of experience with adjustment lending in fi[...]
Abstract: "This booklet outlines the ways in which the World Bank and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can work together in a partnership. It is meant to be a resource guide for NGOs and was conceived as a way for the Bank to explain what it[...]