Catégorie public debt
Eurovoc > FINANCE > public finance and budget policy > public debt
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Anton Brender, Author ; Pisani, Florence, Author ; Gagna, Emile, Author | Éditions La Découverte | Repères | 20214e de couverture sur le site de l'éditeur : "D’un bout à l’autre de la planète, la montée du poids des dettes, qu’il s’agisse de celles des États, des ménages ou des entreprises, inquiète. En même temps, savoir que les ménages épargnent et que [...]
The present paper develops a simple theoretical setup to examine the role of the tax-spending mix of fiscal adjustments on aggregate (in)stability in indebted economies. To this end, we build an AK endogenous growth model with public debt dynami[...]
Kere, Axelle, Author ; Jean-François Brun, Thesis advisor ; Jean-Louis Combes, Thesis advisor ; Pam Zahonogo, Thesis advisor | Clermont-Ferrand : Université Clermont Auvergne | 2022EN: This thesis examines the effect of extractive natural resources on the macroeconomic environment of developing countries and addresses the issue of domestic resource mobilization in these countries. After reviewing the existing theoretical a[...]
EN: The issue of financing development in developing countries is at the heart of this thesis. The latter revolves around four chapters on financing development related matters. The chapter 1 explores how fiscal episodes in the main traditional [...]
Marcel Rist, Author ; Jean Marchal, Author of introduction, etc. | Paris : Armand Colin | Cahiers de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, ISSN 1776-6788 | 1952
Chicot Eboué, Publishing director ; Patrick Artus, Author of introduction, etc. ; Robert Holtzmann, Author of introduction, etc. ; Bruno Colmant, Author of introduction, etc. | Bruxelles : Larcier | Financiële cahiers financiers, ISSN 1780-289X | 20214e de couv : " Finance, Banque, Microfinance : Où va la richesse créée », est un ouvrage collectif, auquel ont contribué d’éminents spécialistes de rang mondial. Jusqu’où la Finance permet-elle de se couvrir contre le risque de Covid-19 ? La Fin[...]
Richard Kitchen, Author | Chichester : John Wiley & Sons | A Wiley series on public administration in developing countries | 1986The main theme of this book is the financing of economic development - the mobilization of finance and its current use. The book covers both domestic and international finance. It is both theoretical and empirical and contains historical perspec[...]
Yawovi Mawussé Isaac Amedanou | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Working papers | 2022-01This paper aims to show that there is a great interest for countries to rely on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) as a tool for financing the economy, especially in times of debt. First, we conceptualize through game theory a bett[...]
Harker, C., Publishing director ; Horton, A., Publishing director | London [England] : UCL Press4th cover on publisher's website: "In an era when many of us depend on debt to survive but struggle with its consequences, Financing Prosperity by Dealing with Debt draws together current thinking on how to solve debt crises and promote inclusi[...]
Yashpal Tandon, Author ; Amin, Samir, Author of introduction, etc. ; Benjamin W. Mkapa, Author of introduction, etc. ; Florian Rochat, Translator | CETIM | PubliCetim | 20094e de couv. : Les pays développés dépendant de l'aide cherchent à se sortir de cette dépendance sans toutefois y parvenir. Ce livre montre comment ils pourraient se libérer par eux-mêmes de cette aide - qui se prétend relevant du développement, [...]Article :
The present paper simulates several financing schemes for scaling-up public investment while stabilizing debt in WAEMU countries experiencing fiscal fatigue. We construct a DSGE model of a small open economy that incorporates the b[...]