Catégorie tax
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This lively and accessible book discusses the real world fiscal issues in developing countries within a realistic macroeconomic and social framework.It represents the best synthesis currently available of the link between public finance and macr[...]
4e de couv : "We are currently engaged in the most fundamental debate about the role of government in decades, and who better than Jonathan Gruber to guide students through it in the new edition of his best-selling text, Public Finance and Publi[...]
Note de l'éditeur : "This new edition restructures and updates the political economy view of the responsibilities and limitations of government. Public-choice and behavioural concepts are prominent. Gender issues are included. Technical concepts[...]
Back cover: This textbook systematically sets forth the basic issues involved in public finance and public policy. All issues investigated explore the choice between voluntary market decision to earn and spend income versus assignment of respons[...]
Roy William Houghton, Editor ; Roy William Houghton | London : Penguin Books | Penguin modern economics readings | 19704e de couv : "The nineteen papers in this volume are all recent contributions to two traditional branches of public finance: allocation of resources between public and private sectors, and the distribution of income. The book as a whole gives a [...]
Richard Abel Musgrave ; Richard Abel Musgrave, Author ; Musgrave, Peggy B., Author | New York : Mc Graw-Hill | 1976
Richard Abel Musgrave ; Richard Abel Musgrave, Author ; Musgrave, Peggy B., Author | New York : McGraw-Hill | 1973
The choice of budget policy is often the leading domestic issue facing the electorate and their representatives. The budget-making process involves tax increases, expenditure reduction, and the underlying budget deficit - complex and controversi[...]
Richard Abel Musgrave, Editor ; Shoup, Carl S., Editor ; American Economic Association, Compiler | London : G. Allen and Unwin | American Economic Association Series | 19664e de couv : "This new volume makes available for the first time a large number of fundamental articles on taxation and public finance. They are gathered from many economic journals, some of them dating back to the turn of the century. All of th[...]
American Economic Association, Editor | London : G. Allen and Unwin | The American economic association series | 19554e de couv : "The field of fiscal policy overlaps those of public finance, money and banking, and business cycles. Its main concern is with the effects of government expenditure and taxation on income, production and employment. The latest volum[...]