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While the number of asylum applications in France has increased in recent years, they account for a declining share of total claims across the European Union, as France has been less concerned by recent inflows of asylum seekers than some of its[...]
Frederick Cooper's latest book on the history of decolonization and independence in Africa initiates a new textbook series: New Approaches to African History. His book will help readers understand the historical processes which have shaped Afric[...]
Elizabeth Economy, Editor ; Michel Oksenberg, Editor | New York : Council on Foreign Relations Press | 1999Since the 1970s, the United States has facilitated China's entry into world affairs. What are the results of the effort to integrate China into the international community at an early stage in its rise? How has the international system affected [...]Article :
We build a composite index of formal sovereignty as an alternative to the binary classification ‘Sovereign vs Affiliated’ for the purpose of a comparative, quantitative analysis on a large sample of small islands. This index takes into account d[...]Article :
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4e de couv : "La coopération technique recouvre toutes les activités d'aide au transfert de savoir-faire dont les deux axes principaux sont la formation et l'expertise. À ce titre, les donneurs d'aide réunissent chaque année plus de treize milli[...]
"Constant headlines about deportations, detention camps, and border walls drive urgent debates about immigration and what it means to be an American in the twenty-first century. The Deportation Machine traces the long and troubling history of th[...]
Christian Hubert Ebeke | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2011This paper shows that countries which allow a dual citizenship status for their international migrants receive on average more remittances than others. Using a cross-section of 104 developing countries with data averaged over the period 2000-200[...]
Patrick Imam ; Kangni Kpodar | Clermont-Ferrand : Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (Ferdi) | Document de travail / Working Paper | 2019This paper analyzes the impact of citizenship laws on economic development. We first document the evolution of citizenship laws around the world, highlighting the main features of jus soli, jus sanguinis as well as mixed regimes, and shedding li[...]
4e de couv : "J’ai eu la chance de participer – dans des moments extraordinairement forts – à l’élaboration d’un aspect très particulier du droit international, reconnu en quelques années, et qu’on a appelé « droit d’ingérence ». Dans ce livre,[...]
L’ouvrage présente bien l’expression juridique des limites auxquelles se heurte la mise en œuvre des discours politiques et économiques, et cette immersion dans le fonctionnement concret de l’industrialisation permet d’échapper à l’essoufflement[...]
4th cover on publisher's website: "An epic history of money, trade and development since 1933 In 1933, Keynes reflected on the crisis of the Great Depression that arose from individualistic capitalism: 'It is not intelligent, it is not beautif[...]
L’URSS exploite-t-elle économiquement les pays d’Europe centrale ou les assiste-t-elle à coûts élevés ? Peut-elle se passer des technologiques occidentales ? Ses immenses besoins en céréales la rendent-ils dépendantes de l’Ouest ? L’Europe occid[...]