Catégorie economic policy
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An exploration of Senegal which begins with discussion of the influence of Islam, Western imperialism and French colonial rule, and by tracing the country's political, economic and social evolution since independence. This expanded second [...]
Article :
In the pursuit of eco-efficiency, resilience, and self-sufficiency, sustainable cities focus on long-term environmental goals instead of only short-term economic ones. To do so, many of them rely on servitization, the practice of replacing tangi[...]
"The eminent economic historian Harold James presents a new perspective on financial crises, dividing them into "good" crises, which ultimately expand markets and globalization, and "bad" crises, which result in a smaller, less prosperous world.[...]
Rabah Arezki, Editor ; Akito Matsumoto, Editor | Washington : International Monetary Fund (IMF) | 2018A survey of the complex and intertwined set of forces behind the various commodity markets and the interplay between these markets and the global economy. Summarizes a rich set of facts combined with in-depth analyses distillated in a nontechnic[...]Article :
The question has been raised as to whether inequality within countries should be considered as an element and therefore an indicator of vulnerability in the framework of the multidimensional vulnerability index (MVI). Yes, of course, we hear, si[...]
4e de couv : "J'ai une passion : vivre dans une Afrique digne. L'Afrique doit cesser d'être seulement un continent d'avenir pour devenir un continent du présent et de l'avenir. Pour cela, il faut : - Que ses fils et filles reprennent confiance[...]
4e de couv. : "La Chine fascine, la Chine inquiète, la Chine dérange. Magnétisant le reste de la planète, elle s'affirme comme le nouveau pôle de l'économie-monde. Croissance économique irrésistible, capitalisme d'État, montée en puissance milit[...]
Note de l'éditeur : "An essential guide to the intractable public debates about the virtues and vices of economic globalization, cutting through the complexity to reveal the fault lines that divide us and the points of agreement that might bring[...]
"Depuis l'apparition de la vie sur Terre, il y a eu cinq extinctions massives d'espèces. Aujourd'hui, les scientifiques estiment que notre planète est en train de vivre la sixième, la plus dévastatrice depuis la disparition des dinosaures. Mais [...]
Over the last half billion years, there have been five major mass extinctions, when the diversity of life on Earth suddenly and dramatically contracted. Scientists are currently monitoring the sixth extinction, predicted to be the most devastati[...]
""Social capital initially derives from social theory, and from the broad idea that social relationships are resources that help people act effectively" - a definition by the late James Coleman, one of the first social scientists to use the term[...]
"Social mobility — defined as the ability to move from a lower to a higher level of education or occupational status, or from a lower to a higher social class or income group — is the hope of economic development and the mantra of a good society."