Catégorie economic policy
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4e de couv : "Dans un monde désormais confronté à la menace des changements climatiques et de pandémies comme celle de la Covid 19, en lien avec la destruction des milieux naturels, comment la recherche aide-t-elle à relever le défi mondial de l[...]
Andreas Kontoleon, Editor ; Unai Pascual, Editor ; Timothy M Swanson, Editor | New York : Cambridge University Press | 2007Human induced biodiversity loss is greater now than at any time in human history, with extinctions occurring at rates hundreds of times higher than background extinction levels. The field of biodiversity economics analyses the socio-economic cau[...]
Stephen P. Magee, Author ; William A. Brock, Author ; Leslie Young, Author | Cambridge University Press | 1989This book provides a special interest theory of protection, developing a full general equilibrium theory that explains the distribution of income with goods markets, factor markets, lobbies, political parties, and voters all pursuing their self [...]
Ian Malcolm David Little, Author ; Richard Newell Cooper, Author ; Warner Max Corden, Author ; Sarath Rajapatirana, Author | New York : Oxford University Press | A World Bank book | 1993Article :
Antonio Spilimbergo, Editor ; Krishna Srinivasan, Author | Washington : International Monetary Fund (IMF) | 2019Brazil is at crossroads, emerging slowly from a historic recession that was preceded by a huge economic boom. Reasons for the historic bust following a boom are manifold. Policy mistakes were an important contributory factor, and included the pu[...]
La 4e de couv. indique : "Avec l'arrivée au pouvoir du président Lula en 2003, et une croissance favorisée par les prix élevés des matières premières exportées, le Brésil est apparu comme un nouvel eldorado. Pourtant, après dix années d'euphorie[...]
Peut-on penser la mondialisation autrement qu'à travers l'image d'un mouvement économique mettant les sociétés à son service ? Les trajectoires du Brésil et du Mexique durant les vingt dernières années nous montrent la cohérence entre l'économiq[...]
Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement, Editor | Oxford : Oxford University Press | World Bank policy research report | 1995This book is the fourth in a series of policy research reports that bring to a broad audience the results of World Bank research on important policy issues. It draws on extensive data and detailed case studies to show how divestiture and other r[...]
This summary of Bureaucrats in Business is an expanded version of the overview that opens the report itself (no. 15037). Like the overview, it discusses the main findings of the report, summarizes data and analytical approaches, and presents key[...]
Preface: “The primary purpose of this book is to answer the question of why certain types of economic philosophy and policy are pursued in the countries of Pakistan and Burma and to examine their degree of success or failure. The book is also a [...]
Jean-Claude Milleron, Author ; Commissariat général du plan, Author ; Roger Guesnerie, Author ; M. Crémieux, Author | Paris : la Documentation Française | Economie et planification,, ISSN 02248964 | 1979