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Bulletin : Revues - Articles
World development, Vol.104 - April 2018
"The 2020 edition of The Global Report on Food Crises describes the scale of acute hunger in the world. It provides an analysis of the drivers that are contributing to food crises across the globe, and examines how the COVID-19 pandemic might co[...]Ouvrages
This book embodies the results of thirteen years of research in drought-prone rural areas in the semi-arid zone of northern Nigeria. It describes the patterns of adaptive behaviour observed among Hausa, Ful'be and Manga communities in response t[...]Ouvrages
Gilbert Etienne, Directeur de publication ; Michel Griffon, Directeur de publication ; Patrick Guillaumont, Directeur de publication | Paris : Revue francaise d'economie | 1993Ouvrages
Bruce F. Johnston, Éditeur scientifique ; Herman M. Southworth, Éditeur scientifique | New York : Cornell University | 1967Agricultural development: problems and issues; Toward a theory of agricultural development; Traditional social structures as barries to change; The infrastructure for agricultural growth; Education and training for agricultural development; [...]Ouvrages
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, Auteur ; Nikos Alexandratos, Directeur de publication | Rome : FAO | 1995Article : Revues - Articles
This paper aims at exploiting grain price data to detect the warning signs of looming food crises in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. Firstly we identify markets which play a leading role at the national and regional level. The second step consists[...]Working Paper
Claudio Araujo ; Catherine Araujo Bonjean ; Stéphanie Brunelin | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Études et Documents Cerdi, ISSN 2114-7957 | 2010National early warning systems of Sahelian countries are mainly based on biophysics models to predict agricultural production shortages and prevent food crisis. The objective of this paper is to show that cereal market prices also bring useful i[...]Ouvrages
Renaat Devisch, Directeur de publication ; Association belge des africanistes, Éditeur scientifique ; Filip De Boeck, Directeur de publication ; Danielle Jonckers, Directeur de publication | Paris : L'Harmattan | 1995"La culture a-t-elle sa place en cas de famine? Toute denrée comestible doit-elle être considérée comme de l'alimentation? L'aide alimentaire d'urgence ne renforce-t-elle pas, à long terme, les perturbations de la famine? La crise alimentai[...]Ouvrages
Cultural and social boundaries often separate those who participate in public health activities, and it is a major challenge to translate public health knowledge and technical capacity into public health action across these boundaries. This book[...]Ouvrages
growth and development of adults and children, this book presents in one volume the compilation of the largest database of material on anthropometric standards from the National Health Examination surveys. Because the information is presented in[...]Ouvrages
Joseph Rocher, Auteur ; Réseau des ONG européennes sur les questions agro-alimentaires et de développement, Éditeur scientifique | Paris : C. L. Mayer | Dossiers pour un débat | 1998"Ce dossier analyse les difficultés et les marges de manœuvres qu’ont les pays du Sud pour élaborer une politique agricole et alimentaire cohérente. Il fait le point sur les instruments utilisables pour cela, qu’ils soient acceptés ou non par l’[...]Ouvrages
Published in association with Harper Collins, the completely revised and updated fourth edition of the Atlas of Global Development is a comprehensive guide to the most critical issues facing our changing world today. A visual guide to global is[...]