Borrowing terms
Work is available to loan to students of economics degree courses, to
masters students in economics, doctoral students and
lecturer/researchers in the University Economics Department and CERDI.
The number of documents which can be borrowed is unlimited, for a period of 30 days, renewable once. Some documents can only be consulted in the centre: dictionaries, old journals.
A loan is made on an individual basis using the loan terminal with their student card.
To extend a loan, you can go to your user account. (Establish a link to
the site). You cannot reserve a document or extend your loans, if you
have overdue items. You can extend the loan of a document once only. It is not possible to extend a loan when the document has been reserved by another person.
User account
Access your user account from all the pages of our site to:
- see your loans and know their return date;
- renew your loans;
- view your search and reading histories;
- suggest a purchase;
- be identified to access digital content (journals, databases, etc.
To access your user account:
- if you are a student, lecturer, member of staff of the Economics Department / CERDI, click on the icon at the top right "My Document Space" then enter your UCA username and password;
- if you are a guest click on the icon at the top right "My Document Space", choose "Guest Login" then enter your username and password provided by UCA;
Suggesting a purchase
An authenticated user can suggest a purchase by filling out a form via their account.
International Library Loan's service : Clermont University Law Economics and Management Library
The document you are looking for is not in our catalogue?
The Loan between Libraries service of Clermont University Law Economics
and Management library can obtain original documents, microforms and
photocopies from other French or foreign libraries.
To access the Loan between Libraries application form on the library's website "Loan between Libraries".