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6 recherche sur le mot-clé 'Labour market'
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EN: In the process of transition towards a market economy, Chinese government has chosen to reform the state sector gradually instead of conducting rapid mass privatization. At the same time the government has encouraged the expansion of a non-s[...]Working Paper
Despite GDP growth rate higher than EU-15 average, labour market conditions in some Central and Eastern European countries remain under question. Indeed, the unemployment rate takes time to decrease closed to or below the European [...]Ouvrages
Richard Layard, Auteur ; Stephen Nickell, Auteur ; Richard Jackman, Auteur | Oxford : Oxford University Press | 1995Layard, Nickell and Jackman have fully revised and updated part of their well-established 1991 book - Unemployment: Macroeconomic Performance and the Labour Market - to create a shorter and entirely accessible undergraduate textbook on unemploym[...]Ouvrages
texte imprimé
"The subject matter of international economics, then, consists of issues raised by the special problems of economic interaction between sovereign states.” (Krugman et al., 2011)Institutional innovation fosters the development of t[...]