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10 search for keyword(s) 'Taiwan'
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Since World War II, Taiwan has enjoyed the highest rate of economic growth of any country in the world, with the possible exception of Japan. In this book seven eminent economists, including a Nobel Prize winner, examine and evaluate the Taiwan [...]
Foreword extract: "Taiwan is a case of successful economic development. More important for the purpose of this study, overall economic development in Taiwan has been accompanied by development of a strong agricultural sector, which has experienc[...]
Shirley W.Y. Kuo, Author ; John C.H. Fei, Author ; Gustav Ranis, Author | Boulder : Westview Press | 1981Economists and policymakers have long been perplexed over the way rapid growth appears to conflict with the other common goal of developing nations—more equitable income distribution. But economic expansion need not preclude equity, as demonstra[...]
Jean-Joseph Boillot, Author ; Nicolas Michelon, Author | Paris : la Documentation Française | Les études de la Documentation française | 2001
Lawrence J Lau, Editor | San Francisco : ICS Press | International Center for economic growth publication | 1990The "four tigers"--- Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea- stand out in any comparison of economic performance. Their high economic growth rates low inflation, improved life expectancy, and higher literacy levels contrast sharply with t[...]
Article :
François Bourguignon, Author ; Christian Morrisson, Author | Paris : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) | 1989
Centre de développement de l'OCDE, Author ; Sébastien Dessus, Author ; Jia-Dong Shea, Author ; Mau-Shan Shi, Author | Paris : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) | Etude du Centre de développement, ISSN 1563-4310 | 1995