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9 recherche sur le mot-clé 'commercial policy'
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4th cover on publisher's website: "An epic history of money, trade and development since 1933 In 1933, Keynes reflected on the crisis of the Great Depression that arose from individualistic capitalism: 'It is not intelligent, it is not beautif[...]Ouvrages
Manuel Penalver, Auteur | Washington : World Bank | A World Bank country study, ISSN 0253-2123 | 1983Ouvrages
First published in 1952, this work is a systematic exposition of Professor Meade’s geometric method, bringing together into a single coherent account the modern geometrical analysis of the theory of international trade. The work makes a number [...]Rapports
This report analyzes the industrial and trade policies that would help assure a smooth transition from the highly protected industrial environment of the past, in which direct controls were a key means of allocating resources, to a more open env[...]Rapports
Bela Alexander Balassa, Auteur ; Gerardo M Bueno, Auteur ; Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski ; Mario Henrique Simonsen | Mexico city : El Colegio de Mexico | 1986"This report is a four-part strategy to restore self-sustaining economic growth in Latin America and simultaneously to enable the continent to cope with its external debt problem. The strategy aims to achieve economic growth in a way that produc[...]Ouvrages
Thirukodikaval N. Srinivasan, Auteur ; Justin Lin Yifu, Collaborateur ; Yun Wing Sung, Collaborateur | San Francisco : ICS Press | 1994Ouvrages
Stephen R. Lewis, Auteur ; Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, Auteur | London : Oxford University Press | Industry and trade in some developing countries | 1970Back cover: “The author describes the major structural changes in Pakistan’s economy since 1947, emphasizing the importance of the partition of the sub-continent in 1947 for the economic structure that emerged. He reviews the sources of labour, [...]Ouvrages
Jean D'Herbes, Directeur de publication ; Jean Touscoz, Directeur de publication | Paris : CNRS éditions | 1983Dans le monde dur et implacable que nous avons à affronter, tous, chacun avec ses propres défis, mais aussi avec les menaces communes de la violence, de l'anarchie et du terrorisme, du désordre, voire des conflits intérieurs et extérieurs. L'ob[...]