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20 recherche sur le mot-clé 'resource curse'
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Working Paper
Rabah Arezki, Auteur ; Ha Nguyen, Auteur ; Tristan Reed, Auteur ; Ana Fernandes, Auteur ; Federico Merchán, Auteur | Clermont-Ferrand : Centre d'études et de recherches sur le développement international (Cerdi) | Working papers | 2023Countries with greater commodity export intensity have more concentrated markets for imported goods. Within countries over time, import market concentration is associated with higher domestic prices, suggesting that markups due to [...]Working Paper
Rabah Arezki, Auteur ; Ha Nguyen, Auteur ; Tristan Reed, Auteur ; Ana Fernandes, Auteur ; Federico Merchán, Auteur | Washington : World Bank | World Bank working paper | 2023Countries with greater commodity export intensity have more concentrated markets for imported goods. Within countries over time, import market concentration is associated with higher domestic prices, suggesting that markups due to [...]Ouvrages
4e de couv :"The resource curse is a variant of a wider rent curse that can also be driven by geopolitical rent, regulatory rent, and labour rent. Total rent can therefore be from one-tenth to two-fifths of GDP and sometimes more. Rent is detach[...]Article : Revues - Articles
Article : Revues - Articles
Article : Revues - Articles
Article : Revues - Articles
4e de couv : "This book explores the impact of Chinese growth on Latin America since the early 2000s. Roughly twenty years ago, Chinese entrepreneurs headed to the Western Hemisphere in search of profits and commodities, specifically those that [...]Ouvrages
Note de l'éditeur : "The early 21st century has seen a prolonged price boom in non-fuel commodities, coupled with a volatile performance in fuel prices. This new collection presents the latest research on commodity prices and economic developmen[...]Article : Revues - Articles