Title: | A new approach for evaluation of the economic impact of decentralized electrification projects |
Authors: | Jean-Claude Berthelemy ; Mathilde Maurel |
Material Type: | printed text |
Publisher: | S.N., 2021-03-02 |
Languages: | English ; |
Descriptors: | |
Tags: | Decentralized electrification ; sustainable development ; impact assessment ; Nighttime Light ; DMSP ; VIIRS |
Abstract: |
This paper proposes a new methodology for evaluating off-grid electrification projects, based upon Nighttime Light (NTL) observations, obtained by a combination of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) data and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) data. The methodology consists of comparing NTL data before and after the implementation of the projects. The projects are selected from FERDI's Collaborative Smart Mapping of Mini-grid Action (CoSMMA) analysis, which documents existing project evaluations reported in published papers. Such reported evaluations are of uneven quality, with few evaluations which meet scientific standards. Our results suggest that our new methodology can contribute to fill this gap. For each project, we compute the NTL deviation with respect to its counterfactual, which provides us a proxy for the off-grid electricity-induced rate of NTL growth. |
Link for e-copy: | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03164719 |