Title: | Back to the rationale of a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) and its components to enhance its consistency : Revenir aux fondements de l’Indice de vulnérabilité multidimensionnelle (MVI) et de ses composantes pour en renforcer la cohérence (2022) |
Authors: | Patrick Guillaumont, Author |
In : | FERDI Notes brèves / Policy briefs (N°239, September 2022) |
Article on page: | 8 p. |
Languages: | English |
Descriptors: |
[Eurovoc] ECONOMICS > economic conditions > economic conditions > economic situation [Eurovoc] ECONOMICS > economic conditions > economic development > developing countries [Eurovoc] ENVIRONMENT > deterioration of the environment > degradation of the environment > climate change |
Tags: | vulnerability index |
Abstract: |
The MVI project was born from a UN General Assembly Resolution that gives it legitimacy, conditioned by its economic rationale (see the previous notes prepared for UNDESA-OHRLLS for their support to the work of the HighLevel Panel on MVI: Guillaumont, Feindounou, Wagner, 2022; and Guillaumont, 2022).
Le projet d’Indice de vulnérabilité multidimensionnelle (MVI) est né d’une résolution de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU qui lui donne sa légitimité, conditionnée par sa logique économique. Il est utile de revenir aux fondements de cet indice et de ses composants envisagés pour en renforcer et assurer la cohérence. |
Link for e-copy: | https://hal.science/hal-03782737 |
Translated under the title : |
Copies (1)
Barcode | Call number | Media type | Location | Section | Status |
008644 | BFerdi | Revue | Centre de documentation du CERDI / Ecole d'Economie | Salle de lecture | Available |