Note de contenu :
Encouraging Desistance from Crime
Jennifer L. Doleac
(pp. 383-427)
What Can Economics Say about Alzheimer's Disease?
Amitabh Chandra, Courtney Coile and Corina Mommaerts
(pp. 428-70)
From Micro to Macro Development
Francisco J. Buera, Joseph P. Kaboski and Robert M. Townsend
(pp. 471-503)
How Experiments with Children Inform Economics
John A. List, Ragan Petrie and Anya Samek
(pp. 504-64)
Sovereign Debt in the Twenty-first Century
Kris James Mitchener and Christoph Trebesch
(pp. 565-623)
What Is Certain about Uncertainty?
Danilo Cascaldi-Garcia, Cisil Sarisoy, Juan M. Londono, Bo Sun, Deepa D. Datta, Thiago Ferreira, Olesya Grishchenko, Mohammad R. Jahan-Parvar, Francesca Loria, Sai Ma, Marius Rodriguez, Ilknur Zer and John Rogers
(pp. 624-54)
The Impact of Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Infrastructure, Health, and Education
Anaïs Fabre and Stéphane Straub
(pp. 655-715)
Game Theory and the First World War
Roger B. Myerson
(pp. 716-35)
Book Reviews
(pp. 736-44)
Annotated Listing of New Books
(pp. 745-817)
JEL Classification System for Books
(pp. 818-33)