Title: | Civil Conflict and Firm Recovery: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire (2022) |
Authors: | Florian Léon, Author ; Ibrahima Dosso, Author |
In : | The Journal of Development Studies (vol.58 n°11, 2022-11-02) |
Article on page: | pp. 2263-2289 |
Languages: | English |
Descriptors: |
[Eurovoc] BUSINESS AND COMPETITION > business classification > type of business [Eurovoc] GEOGRAPHY > Africa [Eurovoc] POLITICS > politics and public safety > public safety > political violence |
Tags: | firms ; conflict ; recovery ; Africa ; political violence |
Abstract: | This paper examines how firms bounce back after a short, albeit severe, civil conflict. Thanks to a rich firm-level database, we follow surviving enterprises before, during and after the 2011 post-electoral crisis in Côte d'Ivoire. Main findings are summarized as follows. First, recovery was rapid in the first year but imperfect: 3 years after the shock, firms did not reach their pre-crisis level of productivity. Second, we show a wide heterogeneity in recovery across firms according to their initial characteristics (before the crisis). Young and local firms are more able to rebound after the crisis. In addition, credit-constrained firms are less resilient, highlighting the importance of access to credit in post-crisis periods. Finally, the recovery is quicker for labor-intensive firms; but firms relying more on skilled workers are less likely to rebound. |
Doi : | DOI : 10.1080/00220388.2022.2094255 |
Axe de recherche : | Intégration des pays en développement dans l'économie mondialisée |
Link for e-copy: | https://hal.science/hal-04234449 |