Title: | The African Statistical Yearbook 2018 |
Original title: | ASYB 2018 |
Publisher: | Abidjan, Ivory Coast : African Development Bank, 2018 |
Other publisher: | Economic Commission for Africa |
ISBN (or other code): | 978-92-1-060925-8 |
Size: | 380 p. |
General note: | "The 2018 edition presents a time series showing how African countries performed on several economic and social indicators over the period 2009–2017." |
Languages: | English |
Descriptors: |
[Eurovoc] ECONOMICS > national accounts [Eurovoc] ECONOMICS > national accounts > national accounts [Eurovoc] ECONOMICS > national accounts > national accounts > economic aggregate > gross domestic product [Eurovoc] ENERGY [Eurovoc] ENERGY > coal and mining industries > mining industry > mining production [Eurovoc] FINANCE > monetary economics > monetary policy [Eurovoc] FINANCE > prices [Eurovoc] FINANCE > prices > farm prices [Eurovoc] FINANCE > public finance and budget policy > public finance [Eurovoc] GEOGRAPHY > Africa [Eurovoc] SOCIAL QUESTIONS > health [Eurovoc] SOCIAL QUESTIONS > health > health policy [Eurovoc] SOCIAL QUESTIONS > migration [Eurovoc] TRADE > trade [Eurovoc] TRADE > trade policy |
Contents note: |
1. Social and Demographic Indicators 2. Economic Statistics 3. Monetary and Financial Statistics 4. External Sector 5. Economic Infrastructure and Investment Climate 6. Sustainable Development Goals / Agenda 2063 SECTION II COUNTRY TABLES |
Link for e-copy: | https://www.afdb.org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Documents/Publications/African_Statistical_Yearbook_2018.pdf |