Title: | Total Factor Productivity in Tunisian Manufacturing Sectors. Convergence or Catch-up with OECD Members? (2006) |
Authors: | Mohamed Chaffai, Author ; Patrick Plane, Author ; Dorra Triki, Author |
In : | Working Paper Series (Vol. N°45, June 2006) |
Article on page: | 27 p. |
Languages: | English |
Descriptors: |
[Eurovoc] GEOGRAPHY > economic geography > Mediterranean third countries > Tunisia [Eurovoc] GEOGRAPHY > economic geography > OECD countries [Eurovoc] INDUSTRY > industrial structures and policy > industrial policy > industrialisation |
Abstract: | Total Factor Productivity (TFP) is analysed for six Tunisian manufacturing sectors: food processing, electrical and metal products, chemical activities, textiles, clothing and leather, building materials and ceramics, miscellaneous products. First, sector-based TFP are calculated over a long period (1983-2002) as well as some sub-periods reflecting changes of local economic policy. Secondly, assuming a simple Cobb-Douglas production function with constant returns, we decompose the industrial productivity into a reallocation effect (i.e., variation in the relative distribution of sectoral value added), and a pure productivity effect (i.e., the sectoral value-added shares being constant). Thirdly, through panel data unit root tests, TFP long-term convergence with or without catch-up is examined with respect to the productive performance of the most developed economies. Each of the six Tunisian manufacturing sectors is thus benchmarked by the productive performance of OECD members. The Dickey-Fuller type test that we use allows us to take into account the potential correlation across OECD economies. The empirical analysis suggests that TFP convergence and catch-up have generally been a joint process. Moreover, the sectors where catch-up occurred are those characterized by the best productive performance and those that succeeded in reducing their productivity gap compared to OECD best performers. |
Axe de recherche : | Intégration des pays en développement dans l'économie mondialisée |
Link for e-copy: | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00130173 |
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